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 Author of Susy Bubbles
Susy with Leo the Lion Cub in Africa
My Story

When I look back and before I began writing the Susy Bubbles series I remember how lucky I was to have had a childhood with so much freedom to play, where our imaginations were filled with stories of adventure, pirates, fairy tales and tea parties rather than computer games and TV programmes.

Growing up during the 70’s, the only time tablet and virus was ever mentioned in the same sentence, was when you were off school lying in bed with a thermometer balancing on your tongue and the only apple you enjoyed was either eaten as a snack or found in a pie and served with custard.

There was no such thing as screen time or social media platforms, my days growing up were spent with amazing friends and having the freedom to play outdoors and explore the exciting world around us, playing games and making dens or recreating “let’s pretend” scenarios which we had previously read in a book or learnt about at school. Our imaginations would run riot and transport us to the far-flung corners of the world, but miraculously always back in time for dinner.


In today’s incredibly fast paced world where internet communication and TV screens form a huge part of our daily lives, it’s always been my passion to offer the perfect antidote to parents of young children who are trying to recreate the freedom they once enjoyed during their youth or the freedom they simply wish for their own child/children.

For me, it’s important that my Susy Bubbles stories inspire children to get outside and interact with nature.

Whether it’s encouraging meaningful relationships between children and animals, or inspiring kids to climb trees, jump in puddles or have teddy bear picnics outside in the garden, connecting our little ones to the outside world, especially in living situations where it might not be a part of their everyday lives, is something fundamental to the Susy Bubbles stories and something I’m so passionate about sharing with parents and children all around the world.

My Books

The Lost Lion Cub

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The King of the Sea

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The Amazon
Rain Forest

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The Christmas Lights

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My Books

Helen Wood

For any media inquiries, please contact agent David Wood

Tel: +44 07765 007 004

Marnley House, Chapel Lane, Penistone S36 6AQ

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